Week Nine: The Martian (5 Points)

 I'm grateful that I finally got to actually read The Martian by Andrew Weir!! Before, I’ve only seen the movie that was produced in 2015–and I gotta say, I absolutely loved the film! My love for science fiction has grown since that time, but I’ve never given much thought in reading about the genre much until now. 

The film was not too far off from the novel—which I can appreciate, but I love now the novel incorporated more scientific.  How can I explain it… it was like I was reading a document of research data? I’m not very good at Science—was never my best course, but I love how the book helped me understand the difficult terms and scientific research behind it. As I said, I usually found science to be a bother to learn, but the way that Andrew Weir made learning interesting was AMaZING. Besides that, the journey that the reader goes through with the main character’s loneliness and struggle to survive was thrilling. Even more so than the film itself—which I found much more exciting! Both the reader and the main character were thrown together to survive against the clock, most especially FREeZE TO DEaTH!!! GAH this book just enhanced my love to read more science fiction novels.! I will definitely be looking forward to finding more books like this HAHA. 

Also.. Great to know that if i ever get stranded on a planet, I now have the evidence and knowledge to establish my own potato farm!


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